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Multinational firm operates in many countries and in all those countries, it organizes marketing research the same way as it has a centralized system in one head office country. Marketing research is done through a one system central approach and decisions are taken by the head office or parent.

Transnational firm operates in many states but without a central system and marketing research relates to a single unique market environment so each firm in each country has its own market research.


There are different ways in organizing research. The Multinational approach often adopt a very flexible way to their international services or operations through the act of;

  • Modifying their products
  • Using strategies, and
  • Good management practices in country by country.

when compare to the Transnational approach, the is one approach that all companies loves. The aim or approach is to emerge as a companies so as to be responsive to local needs even when handling the benefits of global efficiency. It uses Translational Strategic Mentality. They aim to excel in global chess and be in charge of their game.

There are different ways in organizing research. the way a multinational firm organizes the marketing research effort are;

  • The firms often Locate and Define the various Issues or Problems that is before them.
  • They do set up or design the Market Research Project.
  • Firms Collect Data relating to the project
  • Interpretation of the Research Data as soon as possible
  • The Report Research Findings to the firm.

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