A daycare charges a base fee of 333 dollars plus 0.500.500, point, 50 dollars per minute for late (after closing time) pick-ups. Albin had to pay 10.5010.5010, point, 50 dollars for a late pick-up. Albin uses the equation, 10.50=0.50a+310.50=0.50a+310, point, 50, equals, 0, point, 50, a, plus, 3 to represent the situation.

Respuesta :


a represents the Number of Minutes Late, (a=15 in this case)

Step-by-step explanation:

If the daycare charges a base fee of $3 plus $0.50 per minute late for late pickups(after closing time).

Albin on arrival for pickup had to pay $10.50;

She uses the equation





a= 15

It means Albin was 15 minutes late to a pickup.

Answer: 15 minutes late

Step-by-step explanation:multiply as a fraction then divide by the answer