5. In line 1 “Everyone enjoys taking a vacation.”, what part of speech is the word “vacation”?
a. noun
b. verb
c. adjective
d. adverb

6. In line 3 “Many people use their vacation time for other reasons.” what part of speech is the word “vacation”?
a. noun
b. verb
c. adjective
d. adverb

7. In line 4-5 “Volunteers are people who work, but ….”, what part of speech is the word “work”?
a. noun
b. verb
c. adjective
d. adverb

8. In line7-8 “Habitat for Humanity is an organization of volunteers who build homes…” what part of speech is the word “volunteers”?
a. noun
b. verb
c. adjective
d. adverb

9. In line 15 “Another volunteer organization is called Earthwatch.”, what part of speech is the word “volunteer”?
a. noun
b. verb
c. adjective
d. adverb

10. In line 19 “They usually stay in dormitories.”, what part of speech is the word “usually”?
a. noun
b. verb
c. adjective
d. adverb