(1) Research on rats shows that when animals live in crowded conditions, they live disorderly, violent lives. (2) Humans are no different. (3) Crowded inner cities are models of lawlessness; the crowded highways of Los Angeles encourage aggression by drivers, and even shootings. (4) As our urban areas continue to grow in population density, these types of problems will surely also grow. (5) That means more family violence and more fighting over available resources. (6) The American dream will become just that—only a dream.

The tone of this passage is
a. tolerant.
b. pessimistic.
c. caring.

(1) Those addicted to drugs and alcohol probably feel terrible about themselves—even if they don’t show it—and harsh judgments only worsen their self-image. (2) What these people need are programs to help rid themselves of their addictions. (3) It is also important that we all open our hearts and minds to these troubled people. (4) Their addiction does not make them any less “children of God” ; nor does it mean that they deserve to be stripped of the dignity that is the birthright of every human being. (5) We must strive to create an environment of hope and help for those who so desperately need it.

The tone of this passage is
a. caring.
b. informative.
c. dramatic.

(1) When I was younger I thought that by this age, I would be pretty well set for life. (2) I imagined that I would have a nice house, some money in the bank, and a decent job. (3) But things haven’t worked out that way at all. (4) I’m living in a one-bedroom apartment with shabby furniture and a view of a parking lot. (5) My office job is dull and unrewarding, and I bring home hardly enough to cover my rent and expenses, much less put anything away. (6) My place is so unattractive that I don’t want to invite anyone over, so I’m alone most of the time. (7) Whatever dreams I had in my youth are pretty well gone now. (8) Sometimes I think about going back to school and trying to prepare for a different career, but at my age there doesn’ t seem to be much point in doing that. (9) I guess this is just what life had in store for me.

The tone of this passage is
a. irritated.
b. depressed.
c. accusing.

(1) Scientists say grilling meat creates cancer-causing substances that affect the meat in two ways. (2) First, when fat drips onto the source of heat, the substances are formed and then carried up to the food by smoke. (3) They are also formed when flames touch the meat. (4) There are, however, a few ways that experts say will minimize the risk of grilling meat: (a) Use low-fat meats and nonfat sauces. (5) (b) Partially cook meat before grilling. (6) (c) Cover the grill with foil; punch holes in the foil to let fat drip down. (7) (d) Avoid fire flare-ups, which cause harmful smoke. (8) (e) Scrape off blackened material on the surface of meat before eating it. (9) (f) Don’t cook out every day.

The tone of this passage is
a. optimistic.
b. distressed.
c. objective.

A. (1) Why do people swear and engage in coarse language? (2) One researcher suggests that swearing is a way of asserting independence by breaking adult taboos. (3) In a society that prizes adulthood and independence, the increasing use of vulgar and profane language at younger and younger ages is not surprising. (4) When used infrequently, profanity and vulgar expressions communicate strong emotions for which there may be no other appropriate words. (5) They are meant to shock and to communicate one’s deep disgust or contempt.
A1. The primary purpose of this passage is to
a. inform.
b. persuade.
c. entertain.

B. (1) Advertising aimed at children is not just annoying—it is destructive and should be controlled. (2) Especially around the holiday season, children are hammered with media messages intended to make them want the latest toy, game, computer, sneakers, doll, music, and clothing on the market. (3) While manufacturers are busy sucking money from the pockets of children and their families, they are contributing to a growing sense of dissatisfaction and greed. (4) That serves the manufacturers’ purpose—after all, if children were ever satisfied, they would not ask their parents to buy more merchandise. (5) But the effect is to produce a nation of selfish men and women whose lives are ruled by the need to have more, more, more. (6) It is frightening to see a generation being trained from childhood to be greedy consumers. (7) What chance do they have to ever become contented adults whose values extend beyond a price tag?

B2. The primary purpose of this passage is to
a. inform.
b. persuade.
c. entertain.

Respuesta :


Q7. b

Q8. a

Q9. b

Q10. c

Q11. a

Q12. b


Based on the information given, the tone of the first passage is pessimistic.

The tone of the second passage is caring. The tone of the third passage is depressed.

The tone of the fourth passage is objective. The primary purpose of the passage is also about informing the readers about the topic.

Lastly, the primary purpose of the passage is persuade.

It should be noted that the purpose of a passage simply means the theme of the passage. It's the main idea that's in a literary work.

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