How does the author use figurative language within the Odyssey to describe the challenges that Odysseus faces to achieve his ultimate objective?

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Odysseus faces a large number difficulties in The Odyssey. In the first place, despite the fact that he alerts his men that they should proceed onward rapidly after the Trojan War, they "didn't notice" him, become exceptionally inebriated in festivity of their triumph, and afterward were assaulted by the Ciconians on Ismarus. Next, he needed to confront an alternate sort of challenge when three of his men needed to remain on the place that is known for the Lotus-eaters after they had eaten the lotus blossom. He needed to muscle them back to the boat regardless of their fights. After this, he needed to battle the Cyclops, Polyphemus, who ate a few of his men and afterward included his dad, divine force of the ocean, Poseidon, who at that point made it much progressively hard for Odysseus to return home.

When they get away from the Cyclops, he needed to manage the test of his backstabbing men who opened the pack of winds Odysseus was given by Aeolus. This sack contained all the breezes that would overwhelm his boats from Ithaca, and when his men opened it (imagining that it contained fortune), they are blown right back to the island of Aeolia. At that point, his team is assaulted by monster savages in Laestrygonia. After this, Odysseus was tested by the witch, Circe, who turned his group to pigs. He remained with her for a year before he believed he could leave without offending her. After this, ventured out to the black market to talk with the dead prophet, Teiresias, and get his recommendation on the most proficient method to return home. After this, he needed to move beyond the Sirens (not unreasonably hard since he'd been told how), Scylla (who ate six of his men), Charybdis (in which he nearly suffocated), and his traitorous group again when it came to not eating the Sun god's sacrosanct cows. At that point, he needed to manage the test of being held hostage by Calypso for quite a long while, and when he returns home, he needs to address the difficulty of the numerous suitors who have been mishandling his family's friendliness and endeavoring to drive his better half to wed one of them.