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Some pros and cons of democracy include...


-Democracy Encourages The Public: The public is at power in democracy, their right to vote decides the fate of the country/community. They can vote for the right candidates with the right policies and against the other, and choose what they want to suit their own interests/opinions. It is by the people, for the people.

-Democracies Decentralizes Power: During the election campaign, all the political candidates address the public, regarding their requirements and problems and assure them that there is for people and all those problems will vanish if they form a government. These are the issues and dedication public wants and votes for, as soon as they are elected, a more responsible government can be expected.

-It Allows For Reasonable Policy Change: As it is technically the people’s power, these people are also important to making changes to the system when they feel it is necessary, which are then agreed with the elected officials willingly.

-It Does Not Put Power Into a Single Individual: In democracy, power is spread out, and no individual holds all of the power. This aids in the prevention of biased policy changes/political decisions, corruption, et cetera.


-Lack Of Knowledge Among The Public: Due to the fact that the people have the power to elect officials into office, they would be often not informed on political issues in a way that they should be, which means that many of them with voting power are not as knowledgeable about relevant issues as necessary.

-In Some Cases Causes Minority Groups To Receive The Short End: Since a democratic form of government is set up to cater to the majority, the minority would be often overlooked and even exploited. A lot of policies and laws that favour the majority are mostly hurtful to the minority, causing a large gap between the two groups.