Describe what erosion is. 2. Describe what deposition is. 3. Will deposition occur when the river is fast or slow flowing? 4. Describe what sedimentation is. 5. Describe what compaction is. 6. What causes the sediments to become compacted. 7. Describe what cementation is. 8. What causes the sediments to become glued together.

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Erosion means it’s breaking away or dissolving. Deposition means is a geological process which sediments are added to landform or land. Erosion will occur when water is moving faster it causes it to erode faster. Sedimentation is when particles in suspension to settle out of the fluid. The process by which the porosity of a given form of sediment is decreased as a result of its mineral grains being squeezed together by the weight of overlying sediment or by mechanical is known as compaction. Compaction: happens when sediments are deeply buried, placing them under pressure because of the weight of overlying layers. This squashes the grains together more tightly. in geology, hardening and welding of clastic sediments (those formed from preexisting rock fragments) by the precipitation of mineral matter in the pore spaces. It is the last stage in the formation of a sedimentary rock. The layers are squeezed together and any water mixed in with the sediments is forced out. This process is called compaction. At the same time the particles of sediment begin to stick to each other - they are cemented together by clay, or by minerals like silica or calcite.