Write a 1 paragraph summary of what happened in "La Catrina" Episode 7.
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Respuesta :

Carlos phones Jamie and invites her to accompany him to the market. Later, at the market, he tells her about the letter. Carlos is supposed to be buying produce for his family's restaurant, but he also wants to purchase fruits and vegetables from la Jacaranda in order to investigate Sra. Gúzman's claim. Jamie goes off to buy the corn and vegetables, and Carlos, the fruit. Jamie asks the first vendor if her corn comes from la Jacaranda. She is told that it doesn't and that they don't purchase from la Jacaranda. Jamie wants to know why, but the saleslady won't offer any information. The second vendor is even less helpful. A nearby señora tells Jamie that this vendor's corn comes from la Jacaranda and that it is contaminated. Jamie eagerly purchases half a kilo while the confused señora looks on. Jamie thanks her profusely and runs off to meet up with Carlos. Jamie and Carlos need to prove that the corn is, indeed, contaminated, so they bring it to Carlos' former biology teacher at the university. Profesora Maldonado agrees to perform some tests that Carlos can collect in two days. Their next stop is the city's health department. Carlos doesn't expect them to provide much assistance, but to his surprise, his former classmate, Roberto, works there. Roberto allows them to go through the files after hours. Carlos wants to see if any complaints have been filed against la Jacaranda. Evidently, several complaints have been filed, but nothing has been done since the owner of la Jacaranda cannot be located. Jamie is shocked to see her great grandmother's name listed as owner.