According to Hirschi’s social bond theory, lacking a particular bond may foreshadow a condition in which risk becomes a reasonable behavior alternative. A deficit in which of the following bonds may lead to risky behavior?
a. Commitment
b. Belief
c. Attachment
d. Involvement

Respuesta :

Answer: The deficit of involvement bond factor leads to risk behavior.


The Theory of Hirsch's social bond explains the effects of human behavior towards acting upon fulfilling the social task which helps all individuals to make one bonding relationship. Unless other types of human bonds, The involvement bond is required to tackle the critical situation of restricting any stages of risk level entering into the routine activities of human life.

For example, if the civic workers are not following the safety measures like wearing the mask in their mouth to protect themselves from the infectious diseases, it will lead to less involvement in ensuring their good health as they are dedicated themselves to cleaning all surfaces of the towns and cities. The absence of their involvement factor leads to arrival of risky situation of spreading diseases throughout the society.