
7. Sports events and advertising You are the managing director for a new product you are trying to launch. You just found out which network is going to be airing the World Cup next week. You believe that many people will watch the World Cup. Therefore, the network airing the World Cup faces demand for airtime for commercials during the World Cup than on an average day, which explains why the price of a 30-second spot during the World Cup is_______

Respuesta :


The correct answer is: so high.


The price of advertisement follows the demand and supply fluctuations. When demand increases, so does the price and, when demand decreases, so does the price. Several factors influence an increase in demand. In this case, the reason why a 30-second announcement costs more during major events such as the World Cup relies on the massive increase in the audience during this popular event. The high costs companies incur in promotions are supposed to be offset with the revenues it generates after having millions watch their products.