“Belief in Akhirah is the most important belief in Islam”
Evaluate this statement.
Refer to muslim teachings.
Refer to muslim points of view.
Reach a justified conclusion. (12 marks)

Respuesta :


once you believe that death is not the end of life but death is the start of real eternal life.

All your actions will be based on a well balanced thinking.

if we take deth as the end then life in this world is just a race and one can use any means to win this race without worrying about whether his actions to achieve his goal were genuine or not.


One of the most important beliefs in the religion of Islam is a belief in the afterlife. The Muslim term for this is Akhirah. The beliefs and teaching about the afterlife are found in the Qur’an, the Muslim sacred text. One of the most important beliefs is al-Qadr, which means 'predestination'. For Muslims this means that nothing happens without the knowledge and wisdom of Allah. At the moment of death, the soul leaves the body. Munkar and Nakir are the two angels who ask questions about how each person has lived their life. Because Allah will finally judge everyone on the Day of judgement, until that time souls wait in Barzakh. This is a place of waiting. The angel of death, Azrail, takes souls to this place. It is believed that the angel Israfil will sound the trumpet to announce the arrival of this Day. Muslims always use burial for a body as part of the funeral practices; cremation is not allowed. Muslims believe in both heaven and hell. The Muslim term for heaven is paradise or Jannah. Heaven is a place of reward after death. The Muslim term for hell is Jahannam. This is a place of punishment   after death.
