Justin is trying to find his place in the world. He tries a variety of sports, part-time jobs, and is starting to explore what his college major might be next year. He is in Erikson's _____ stage of development.

Respuesta :

The correct answer is identity versus role confusion


The fifth stage of Erikson's Psychosocial Development Theory, which takes place between the ages of 12 and 18, takes on different shapes due to the psychosocial crisis that occurs in it, that is, Identity Versus Confusion. In this context, the term crisis does not have a dramatic meaning, as it is something punctual and located with positive and negative poles.

This 5th age is located approximately from 12 to 18/20 years, that is, in adolescence, precisely at the age when in the positive aspect, the adolescent will acquire a psychosocial identity, that is, he understands his uniqueness, his role in world.

The young man experiences a series of challenges that involve his attitudes towards himself, with his friends, with people of the opposite sex, loves and the search for a career and professionalization. As people around you help solve these questions, you will develop a sense of personal identity. If you do not find answers to your questions, you may become disorganized, losing reference.

At this stage, individuals are filled with new cognitive potentialities, explore and rehearse social statutes and roles, due to the society providing this space for experimentation to the teenager. It is in this context that one of the Eriksonian concepts that helps to give so much relevance to this stage stands out, that is, the psychosocial moratorium, a period of pause necessary for many young people, the search for alternatives and the experimentation of roles, which will allow a work of internal elaboration.

Thus, the adolescent anticipates his future, explores alternatives, experiments, takes a break. Personal needs, sociocultural and institutional demands characterize the moratorium.