Record yourself giving a performance of as much of "Chatter at a Royal Ball" as you can in Spanish. Review the story for a few minutes if you need, and when you are ready, just click on the record button. You can review your performance by clicking REPLAY.

Respuesta :


Who is singing?

¿Quién está cantando?

The king, the king is singing. !

El rey, el rey está cantando. !

Which king?

¿Cual rey?

The one who always used to play funeral chants on the drum.

El que siempre solía tocar los cantos fúnebres en el tambor.

Oh, it's the king who used to play funeral chants on the drum.

Oh, es el rey que solía tocar los cánticos fúnebres en el tambor.

Yes, and (he) sings well, doesn't he?

Sí, y canta bien, ¿no?

(He) sings better than (he) plays.

(Él) canta mejor que (él) toca.