1. laws in southern states designed to strictly control slaves

A abolitionists
b. slave codes
C. fugitive slave act D .turner’s rebellion

2. Slave revolt that resulted in the deaths of dozens of whites and lead to stricter slave codes

A. Dred Scott decision
B. Missouri compromise
C. Turner‘s rebellion
D. Underground Railroad

3. People who actively fight to end slavery for good

A. Abolitionists
B. Republican Party
D. Turner‘s rebellion

4. Supreme court ruling that blacks are not citizens and abolishing slavery is unconstitutional

A. Compromise of 1850
B.Dred Scott decision
C. Fugitive slave act
D. Missouri compromise

5. Network of free blacks and whites who helped slaves escape

A. Abolitionists
B. Compromise of 1850
C. Republican Party
D. Underground railroad

6. Compromise that temporarily settled the issue of slavery in the Louisiana territory

A. Compromise of 1850
B. Dred Scott decision
C. Missouri compromise
D. Fugitive slave act

7. Compromise that admitted free California to the union but open more land to slavery

A. Compromise of 1850
B. Dred Scott decision
C. Missouri compromise
D. Turner‘s rebellion