Match the layer of the earth with its best description. 1 . made of large plates that move 5 inner core 2 . plastic portion of the upper mantle of the earth 1 outer core 3 . very dense liquid of iron and sulfur 7 lower mantle 4 . thin, rigid surface of Earth 6 upper mantle 5 . made of solid iron 4 crust 6 . layer that includes the asthenosphere 2 lithosphere 7 . layer just outside of the outer core 3 asthenosphere

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1. Litosphere: made of large plates that move.

2. Asthenosphere: plastic portion of the upper mantle of the earth.

3. Outer core: very dense liquid of iron and sulfur.

4. Crust: thin, rigid surface of Earth.

5. Inner core: made of solid iron.

6. Upper mantle: layer that includes the asthenosphere.

7. Lower mantle: layer just outside of the outer core.