You just ate a bowl of mashed potatoes. The starch began chemical digestion in your mouth and finished in your duodenum with hydrolysis into glucose molecules. The fate of the starch is conversion to glycogen in your liver. What did the glucose travel through in order to get to your liver?

Respuesta :

Answer: Glucose is travelled through the blood stream to get to the liver

Explanation:during digestion,food is broken by physical and chemical processes. This may involve chewing or the use of enzymes to break down food.

When food is taken in through the mouth, it is chew and saliva acts on it.saliva helps to lubricate the food and assist in swallowing.from there the food passes through the oesophagus into the intestine. In the intestine food is further mixed with digestive enzymes.From the the stomach the food moves to the intestine where absorption of digested food takes place .

Starch is digested by saliva in the mouth and pancreatic juice, into glucose

Glucose is absorbed across the mucusa to the blood and carried of to the liver ,where it is stored