Three-year-old Wendy is playing hide-and-seek with some older children. However, instead of running to find a hiding place away from the other children, Wendy simply covers her eyes and stands in place. Wendy is demonstrating which Piagetian concept?

Respuesta :

Answer: Egocentric thought

Explanation: Egocentric thought can be simply defined as the inability of people to view things in other people's perspective. Egocentrism is a child's inability to see events or situations the way other people sees it.

According to Piagentian, Children believes that the way they view situation or event is exactly the same way others view that same situation. Children between the age of two to seven usually exhibit this thought.

Wendy believes that by closing her eyes, she can't see her self so she becomes invisible to others too because she thinks thats exactly how others will see her. This thought is called egocentric thought.