A network router connects multiple computers together and allows them to send messages to each other. If two or more computers send messages simultaneously, the messages "collide" and willl have to be resent. Using the combinational logic design process (explained in section 2.7, and summarized in Table 2.5), create a collision detection circuit for a router that connects 4 computers. The circuit has 4 inputs labeled M0 through M3 that are set to '1' when the corresponding computer is sending a message, and '0' otherwise. The circuit has one output labeled C that is set to '1' when a collision is detected, and to '0' otherwise. You do not have to draw the circuit, just select the most correct equation in the answer box.C = M0(M1+M2)+M1(M2+M3)+M1M2C = M0(M1+M2+M3)+M1(M2+M3)+M2M3C = M0M1+M1(M2+M3)+M3(M2+M0