Meyer restocks on toilet paper Sunday they get 800 rolls. They are open Monday through Sunday 8am to 10pm. They sell 16 rolls per hour. When do I have to go to the store before they sell out

Respuesta :

Remember 800 because that’s your big number / most important.

So they’re open from 8am - 10pm. They’re open for 14 hours a day and they sell 16 rolls per hour.
If one hour is 16 rolls sold , then what is 14?
16 x 14 hours (16 x 14 = 224)
In a whole day they sell 224 rolls.
Monday: 800 rolls - 224 rolls = 576 rolls
Tuesday: 576 rolls - 224 rolls = 352 rolls
Wednesday: 352 rolls - 224 rolls = 128
By Thursday they won’t be able to sell more than 224 because there is only 128 rolls left that will be sold out in 8 hours on that day.
So they will be sold out completely by THURSDAY.
The best time to go to the store is most likely on a Tuesday around 12-1pm