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Explanation:1.       Regular cardiorespiratory exercise  will improve cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength, power and resistance and can prevent certain diseases and disorders such as:

·         age-related diseases  like type 2 diabetes, cardiovasculardiseases, some types of cancer, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, depression

·         coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome and stroke from obesity and high cholesterol levels

2.       Depression and heart disease come hand and hand. One has the potential to lead to the other. Along with high blood pressure and cholesterol, depression is a risk factor to heart disease. Depressed individuals have sticky platelets and this can accelerate atherosclerosis.

VO2 Max is the peak amount of oxygen that the body can consume in one minute per kilogram (body weight). Heart rate increases with exercise and consequently increases oxygen delivery to the body. Heart rate and VO2 Max  have a dependent relationship and assess an individual's level of cardiovascular fitness.

3.       The target heart rate is between 55-85%  of the person's maximum heart rate. maximum heart rate can be calculated by subtracting the age of the individual from 220.

For a 40 year old man, the maximum rate is 180 beats per minute ( 220 - 40 = 180).

The recommended target range is 99-153 beats per minute ( 180 x 0.55 = 99 and 180 x 0.85 = 153).

4.       Sedentary lifestyle can shrink and stiffen heart muscle. Varying types of aerobic exercise may help restore heart health. High and moderate intensity aerobic training showed significant improvements. It is important, however, not to exercise too much because it may be bad for the heart.

5.       Before starting on an exercise program, the following tests are advised to take cardiorespiratory fitness tests. Cardiorespiratory Endurance Tests that include Metabolic equivalents (METs), VO2 tests, Submaximal exercise tests that include the Astrand Treadmill Test, the 2.4 kilometer run Test, and the Multistage bleep Test. The Cooper 1.5 walk-run Test can also be included for couch potatoes.