The initial speed of a body is 2.98 m/s.What is its speed after 1.6 s if it accelerates uniformly at 2.51 m/s^2?
Answer in units of m/s

What is its speed after 1.6 s if it accelerates uniformly at −2.51 m/s^2?
Answer in units of m/s

Answer :

V (ending) = at + v (initial)

V= (-2.51) (1.6) + 2.98

V= -1.036 m/s

V (using significant figures) = -1.0 m/s
Not sure if you are saying the acceleration is positive or negative?
The equation you would use would be v=u+at, where v=final velocity u=initial velocity a=acceleration t=time. Using this if the acceleration is 2.51m/s^2:
If the acceleration is -2.51 m/s^2:

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