1. Rama most likely knew that Sita was not married because____?
she looked directly at him.
she was not wearing a ring.
she did not cause him to recoil from her.
she was in the company of other unmarried females.

2. What part of the story best reflects the prosperity of the people in Mithila?

3. which pair of words best describes Sita?
weak and sickly
whiney and spoiled
agitated and infatuated
obsessive and disagreeable

4. the author mostly reveals the character of Rama through his

Respuesta :

1.) Rama most likely knew that Sita was not married because she did not cause him tor recoil from her.
2.) The part of the story that best reflects the prosperity of the people in Mithila is "the street glitters with odds and ends of jewelry cast off by the people with no one inclined to pick them up in a society of such affluence."
3.) The pair of words best describes Sita are agitated and infatuated.
4.)The author mostly reveals the character of Rama through his actions.

1) She did not cause him to recoil from her. Sita was impressed by Rama’s bravery and prowess, and she wanted him to triumph in the tasks set for him.

2)This is an incomplete question.

3) Agitated and infatuated.

Sita was the princess of Mithila, and her father had organized a syayamvar where all able princes were invited to compete on a set of tasks that required a great skill, and Sita’s hand in marriage would be the coveted prize. She was agitated because she wanted Rama to be victorious in the tasks. She was also infatuated with his physical form and prowess.


In this instance, Rama is preparing himself mentally to face all challenges so that he would win the hand of the beautiful princess in marriage.

Further Explanation:

Ramayana is a classic epic, which is also known as one of the most famous mythological creations from the land of Indian heartlands. The characters in the epic all have divine attributes, and the union between Rama and Sita can be equated between the union of Vishnu and his divine consort, Lakshmi. Sita herself is the complete embodiment of ideal feminine qualities in her. Also, their union has significant political connotations. The epic is set during the later Vedic Ages when the social hierarchy was stratified into four distinct varnas, the Brahmanas, the Kshatriyas, the Vaishyas and the Shudras. Rama was from the kshatriya caste, and he was shaped as the liberator of the oppressed shudra classes, who looked upon him as an incarnation of Vishnu.

The marriage institutions during this period have been highlighted very well.  

Societal norms were rooted under a patriarchal structure, and all the important decisions in the family were taken by the eldest male member, which is the father, and in his absence, the nearest male kin. However, the royal princess had a choice of husbands, which was again a contest known as the swayamvar, in which each contender would require to complete certain tasks that required a set of skills. The young prince Rama knew that Sita was destined to be his bride, for she gave him encouraging looks during his turn to perform the tasks, and took a stance of welcoming him within her family. However, the ultimate decision of marriage rested with her father, the King of Mithila, who happily welcomed the divine precedence.

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Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Chapter: The Ramayana.

Subject: English

Keywords: Ramayana, divine couple, union, patriarchal structure, skill set, political structures, divine precedence.