1. Which figure of speech is exemplified by lines 149-151 of the excerpt from The Odyssey, Part III?. Then slid his right hand down the cord and plucked it, / so the taught gut vibrating hummed and sand a swallow's note. (1 point).
A. Simile. B. Metaphor. C. Personification
2. Which of the following is the antecedent for the pronoun THEM in the sentence below? . Penelope and her maids walked towards the suitors and gave them the bow..
A. Penelope. B. Her maids. C. The suitors

Respuesta :

1. "Personification" is the figure of speech among the choices given in the question that is exemplified by lines 149-151 of the excerpt from The Odyssey, Part III. The correct option is option "C".

2. "The suitors" is the one antecedent for the pronoun "them" among the following choices that are given in the question. The correct option is option "C".
C. Personification
At the end of these lines it says that the "taught gut vibrating hummed and sang a swallow's note". The cord is described as humming and singing. These are human qualities. Personification is giving a non-human thing human-like traits. A simile is a comparison of two things using like or as. There is no like or as in this at all so it is not correct. A metaphor is a comparison of two things without using like or as. 

C. the suitors

Them is a direct object. It is receiving whatever is being given. From the beginning of the sentence, we know that Penelope and her maids are the ones doing the actions of "walked" and "gave". This means they cannot be also receiving whatever is being given so the answer must be the suitors.