
Concept Simulation 7.1illustrates the physics principles in this problem. An astronaut in his space suit and with a propulsion unit (empty of its gas propellant) strapped to his back has a mass of 146 kg. The astronaut begins a space walk at rest, with a completely filled propulsion unit. During the space walk, the unit ejects some gas with a velocity of 28 m/s. As a result, the astronaut recoils with a velocity of -0.39 m/s. After the gas is ejected, the mass of the astronaut (now wearing a partially empty propulsion unit) is 165 kg. What percentage of the gas propellant was ejected from the completely filled propulsion unit

Respuesta :

Answer:  % = 10.789%


I will give a step by step analysis to make this problem easy to solve.

from our knowledge in conservation of momentum, we know that;

Momentum before impact = Momentum after impact


28(m) + 165(-0.39) = 0

where M = - (165*-0.39) / 28

M = 2.298 Kg

from this we have that the initial mass of the gas in the Propulsion is given thus;

 = (165 - 146) + 2.298 = 21.298

initial mass = 21.298 Kg

% of gas propellant  ejected is given thus = expelled gas / original gas =

% = (2.298 / 21.298) * 100 = 10.789 %

% = 10.789%

cheers i hope this helps!!!!