Respuesta :

Answer: Communal Potable Water and Sanitation Technicians

CDC Haiti supports building the capacity of local rural water and sanitation technicians known by the French acronym TEPACs. CDC designed and helped implement the initial training for this entirely new workforce. This program placed two technicians in each commune outside the capital area. CDC trained and deployed the TEPACs in late 2012 and early 2013, and as of 2018 after a national evaluation of the program, 209 of the 242 trained TEPACs continue to work in 133 communes nationwide. CDC also collaborates closely with the World Bank, InterAmerican Development Bank, UNICEF and other partners to ensure ongoing support for the TEPAC program.TEPACs provide commune-level water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) support through routine assessments of the water systems and reinforce local water committees’ capacity to monitor free chlorine residual in rural water networks. They also performed the first national inventory of community water systems in Haiti, providing valuable data for donors to target resources. During emergency response efforts, TEPACs participate within the humanitarian emergency framework in the implementation of WASH activities. After Hurricane Matthew greatly damaged the southern claw of Haiti in October 2016, the central DINEPA office and many other WASH humanitarian actors relied heavily on the TEPACs to identify and access restricted areas, identify needs, and facilitate response activities. The TEPACs conducted an assessment of hurricane damage for all community water systems in the hurricane-affected areas which helped to target response efforts. Their activities also included monitoring free chlorine residual in tanker trucks and distribution points, visiting water systems with humanitarian WASH actors, and supporting the distribution of water treatment products and other hygiene kit items. Having this existing workforce in the field made the hurricane response more efficient and effective.

I hope this helped! :)