LONDON (Reuters) - British scientists have devised a way of using graphene, which is the thinnest material in the world, to capture and convert more light than previously, paving the way for advances in high-speed Internet and other optical communications.

In a study in the journal Nature Communication, the team -- which included last year's Nobel Prize-winning scientists Andre Geim and Kostya Novoselov -- found that by combining graphene with tiny, metallic structures, there was a 20-fold enhancement in the amount of light the graphene could capture and convert into electrical power.

Graphene is a form of carbon just one atom thick and yet 100 times stronger than steel.

"Many leading electronics companies consider graphene for the next generation of devices. This work certainly boosts graphene's chances even further," said Novoselov, a Russian-born scientist who with Geim won the 2010 Nobel Prize for physics for research work on graphene.

The researchers explained that due to unique properties of graphene, devices using it can be incredibly fast -- tens or potentially hundreds of times faster than communication rates in the fastest Internet cables currently in use.

Andrea Ferrari of Cambridge University's engineering department, who also worked on the team, said the findings show graphene's great potential in light-operated devices and in developing electronic devices that channel and control light. He said the combination of its special optical and electronic properties could be fully exploited
Which of the following statements summarizes the above article best?
Engineers have found that graphene, which has been widely used in electronics for many years, degrades over time and will need to be replaced with copper.

Researchers have discovered a new element called graphene, which will one day be used to build skyscrapers and advanced aircraft.

A material called graphene has been proven to be stronger than steel and is now being widely used in electronic communications devices.

Researchers working with the material graphene have made improvements to it that could one day lead to much faster electronic and light-operated devices.