4- Joaquín Costa fue uno de los grandes filósofos de la regeneración política de España. Lee su texto (1901) y explica el diagnóstico y las medidas que proponía la Generación del 98.

Respuesta :


Generation of 1898, also called Generation of ’98, Spanish Generación del 1898 or Generación del ’98, in Spain, the novelists, poets, essayists, and thinkers active at the time of the Spanish-American War (1898), who reinvigorated Spanish letters and restored Spain to a position of intellectual and literary prominence that it had not held for centuries.

The shock of Spain’s defeat in the war, which left it stripped of the last vestiges of its empire and its international prestige, provided an impetus for many writers and thinkers to embark on a period of self-searching and an analysis of Spain’s problems and its destiny.

The term Generation of 1898 was used loosely at the turn of the century but was elaborated by the literary critic Azorín in critical essays that appeared in various periodicals and were collected in his Clásicos y modernos (1913). It was soon generally applied to the writers who concerned themselves with Spain’s heritage and its position in the modern world. Never an organized movement or school, the Generation of 1898 worked in diverse fields and styles and rarely agreed on approaches or solutions to Spain’s problems, but all had in common a desire to shake the Spanish people out of what they saw as apathy and to restore a sense of national pride.


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