I REALLY need help! 100 points!!

1. What do you think were the three most important decisions made by Odysseus in the epic? I need 3 answers

2. How did these decisions help him survive? I need 3 answers related to question 1

Respuesta :


question 1:

1. Odysseus's decision to decline Calypso's offer to become immortal and stay with her forever.

2. His deliberate taunting of the cyclopes, and killing the son of Poseidon.

3. Odysseus decision of not telling his crew the prophecy that he will be the only survivor  

question 2:

1. it helped him gain immortality

2. him taunting the cyclopes led to the crew help kill them which led to them helping odysseus open the stone door.

3.  if he had told them they would not have helped him.