What does financial literacy mean to you? How many financial decisions do you make today to impact your tomorrow? What strategies will you follow to ensure you will be successful in achieving your goals for college or career?

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Financial literacy is the education and understanding of knowing how money is made, spent, and saved, as well as the skills and ability to use financial resources to make decisions

things like building a nest egg, saving for retirement, and so on.

It’s for stuff you don’t have to worry about for years. Or at least, it seems like most people think this way. That might explain why so many people, especially in their 20s and 30s, think they have time to wait.

Achieving any goal in life isn't just about setting clearly defined goals and wanting them badly enough. You also have to deploy the right strategies for actually achieving them. If you don't go about it the right way, then no matter what you want or how badly you think you want it, you won't see things through. 

As long as you take the right approach with the right frame of mind, you will see things through. It's only a matter of time. Even if you feel discouraged along the way or you hit a few road blocks, you'll learn how to push through. You'll learn how to navigate around the hurdles by implementing the right strategies to succeed in the long term rather than trying to make things happen quickly.