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The South of US includes states like Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia.

The South has varying distinct features whihc set them apart from other sections of the country by a number of multiple factors such as a long growing season, its staple crop patterns, the plantation system, and black agricultural labour, whether slave or free.

Hence, these physical environmental factors influenced the events and social conditions in the following ways:

1. The warm climate and abundant rainfall of the South, allowed crops as tobacco, rice, sugarcane, and cotton to be grown.

2. The needs for labourers on the crops plantations made the South look into Africa for cheaper labourers turn into slavery, which later made Blacks to have more population in the South.

3. With the needs to supply British their crops produce, and in turn improve their economy, particularly cotton, made the South to support slavery and rejects its abolition.

4. After the American Civil war, courtesy of their farmlands and water dam, the South were able to improve and diversify their agricultural economy, while also bringing electricity to the region.

5. A civil rights platform after the world war II, led to splitting of Democratic dominance in the region, which allowed the Republican to gain ground, thus, its political profile changed.