How can you tell the difference between a fact and an opion sentence. Basically
whats the difference a fact (a sentence that is about a fact) opion (a sentence that is about an opion.) AKA whats the difference between a fact sentence and an opion sentence.

Respuesta :


A fact is something that is provable. Like the grass is green. Or gravity is 9.8 m/s/s. An opinion is debatable and cannot be proven true.


Some examples of opinions are politics. Or if I see a shirt and I say thats really cool but you think its the ugliest thing in the world thats our opinions. But if i say the seam line on the shirt is 1/2 inches you can't say I'm worng because its a fact and I can prove it.




a fact is a statment proven by numbers the is no counter piont its a fact ; 373,000 people have died from a tirger.

an opinon is someones point of view ; tigers are cute

that is my opinon becues someone might think there ugly.