Historians today bemoan the ascendancy of a kind of prideful apartheid in America, saying that the clinging to ethnicity, in background and custom, has undermined the concept of unity. –"A Quilt of a Country," Anna Quindlen What connotation does the word “bemoan” have? What does the use of this word suggest about Quindlen’s opinion of the historians’ ideas?

Respuesta :


What kinda of connotation...

A. negative: "complainw/o fixing anything"

What does the use of this word...

A. She disagrees w/ them


right on edg

The connotation of the word “bemoan” is negative: "complain without fixing anything", and the use of this word suggest about Quindlen’s opinion of the historians’ ideas is that She disagrees with them.

What is A quilt of a country?

A quilt of a country is an article written by Anna Quindlen on the attack of terrorist on America.

It says that that America has diverse religion, who live together, and sometimes it creates problems but at the time of attack all people held together as a shield to protect their country.

Thus, the connotation of the word “bemoan” is negative: "complain without fixing anything", and the use of this word suggest about Quindlen’s opinion of the historians’ ideas is that She disagrees with them.

Learn more about A quilt of a country
