Your task is to design and build an apparatus that replicates the lower arm and biceps muscle system. The equipment used are a Beam, a ring stand, masses, spring scales, clamps, pins.The human arm can be modeled as follows. The object of interest should be the bones in the lower arm (forearm) and hand (considered a beam). It interacts with an object held in your hand, with the biceps muscle, with the bone in the upper arm at its joint with the forearm, and with the Earth. Use the following steps to build the apparatus for the arm:a) Draw a labeled sketch of your proposed system. Hint: Hold a heavy object in your hand, with your lower arm horizontal. Feel different parts of your arm to decide what objects interact with the arm.b) Construct a free-body diagram for this "beam". You will have to decide what forces to include, and where they are applied by carefully considering the other objects interacting with the beam.c) List the equipment you will use to model the beam, the bicep muscle, and the elbow joint.d) Determine the biceps tension and force from the humerus bone when holding an object in the hand. To do this, develop a mathematical procedure that involves the conditions of equilibrium. Use the procedure to make a prediction for the reading in any spring scales used to model the arm.e) List the assumptions regarding objects, interactions and processes in your procedure and design. How could they affect the result?