One hundred examiners each marking eighty scripts per day are needed to mark an examination in fourteen days.How many days would two hundred examiners each marking forty scripts per day take to mark the same examination?

Respuesta :



Step-by-step explanation:

You must become familiar with these instructions and the associated documents, as well as any

other instructions issued by OCR, or your supervisor. These instructions form part of your

agreement with OCR. Please refer to clause 2 of your agreement and the task descriptor.

b) Please remember the importance of the marking task. The public expects that the task will be

carried out with a high level of responsibility and concentration. You must only carry out marking

in private, and not in any public place. Marking must only be done by the appointed person. You

should not mark whilst you are in your paid employment, unless your employer permits this.

c) Confidentiality and disclosure - Please refer to your agreement clauses 5.1 - 5.6. You should not

communicate with third parties (particularly the media) about your work without the permission of

the Chief Executive of OCR. Do not give any details of your work to any unauthorised people.

You should only mark in conditions that are secure and confidential.

d) On the rare occasions when you may have to take any OCR materials outside the UK, it is your

responsibility to ensure that all such materials are kept secure in transit. OCR materials include

but are not limited to hard copy material, discs, memory sticks, and laptops containing OCR

related information.

The taking of such materials outside the UK and their return to the UK must always be undertaken

by you personally. You must not ask someone else to do this on your behalf.

You must not return materials to OCR whilst you are outside the UK. Once in the UK when you

need to return materials to OCR, please utilise the specified returns service.

e) You should be aware that if checking of your assessment activities reveals variation in

acceptable tolerances OCR may instruct you to stop assessing and may terminate your

agreement in accordance with clause 10.2 of your agreement for the provision of assessment

services. In these circumstances in accordance with clause 5.4 of your agreement for the

provision of assessment services, you must return all confidential assessment material to OCR

as a matter of urgency. You will be paid for assessment completed.

f) You must tell OCR and your marking supervisor as soon as possible of any change of personal


i. any change of address (which must be confirmed in writing),

ii. illness or other circumstances which may prevent you from meeting deadlines for work.

Use the Assessor Support Line on 01223 552556 or email general

assessor enquiries.

Please update your personal details, including your permanent home address and email address,

in the Assessment Specialist Portal:

g) If you wish to use a different address for the delivery of scripts during the examination/marking

period, you should have updated your details in the Assessment Specialist Portal:

no later than 12 October for a November

series, 9 November for a January series and 30 March for a June series.