The United States is the most powerful country in the world but how do we know when to get involved or when to stay out of a conflict ? Explain.

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Typically Speaking the US in its strength has the ability to get involved in any conflict it'd like, the problem is, in the event the US oversteps its bounds, e.g. Hurting allies in the conflict, extensive periods of time in said conflict and the problem itself could all be up for global scrutiny. The US typically gets involved when either

  1. Its people deem it a necessary and worthy cause (Ex. Hong Kong)
  2. The possible ramifications of involving itself outweight that of not (Iraq and Oil)
  3. The Conflict directly addresses its principles of freedom, democracy, etc. (Tarrifs on China for Treatment of Uygur Muslims, Iran with Saddam, Killing of Jamal Khashoggi)
  4. The Conflict is presumed to be a short one. (Salami Killing.)

But it wont get into a conflict if

  1. Special Intresets Deem it unecessary and unworthy of time and money.
  2. Another Heavy Conflict is already going on.
  3. The Market sees no benefit or sees a decline from the conflict.