Give example of SUTAINABLE USE and UNSUSTAINABLE USE of ANY 4 OF THE FOLLOWINGS: Water, Waste, Food, Paper, Energy, Plastic

Help would be really appreciated! Best answer will be marked as brainliest(so try your best)!

Respuesta :

water -
sustainable use is: water systems in the realm of sustainable development may not literally include the use of water, but include systems where the use of water has traditionally been required. Examples include waterless toilets and waterless car washes, whose use helps to alleviate water stress and secure a sustainable water supply
unsustainable use is: world's water use may be unsustainable. ... These practices can have an important influence on what scientists call “evapotranspiration,” which is water that is lost to the atmosphere by either evaporating from the Earth's surface or being taken up by plants and later released into the air through their leaves.

food -
sustainable use is: Local & seasonal,
Organic & sustainable farming,
Reduce foods of animal origin & maximise welfare standards,
Excludes fish species identified as at risk,
Fair-trade-certified products,
Promote health and well being,
Food democracy and
Reduction of waste and packaging
unsustainable use is: Foods containing high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) are especially bad for the environment. Not only does consumption of HFCS increase the likelihood of obesity and health problems, but production is extremely energy intensive,
Seafood listed in the “avoid” column on the Seafood Watch list and
Factory farmed beef.

plastic -
sustainable use is: Renewable feedstock. Organic materials such as starch and other natural fibers can replace petroleum-based feedstocks, greatly reducing the reliance on carbon-dioxide-emitting fossil fuels,
Reclaimed feedstock,
Recycled feedstock and
Biodegradable materials.
unsustainable use is: plastic forks and knives,
plastic shopping bags,
plastic coffee cup lids,
plastic water bottles,
Styrofoam and plastic take out containers,
and, of course, plastic straws.

energy -
sustainable use: renewable energy sources like solar, wind, geothermal, hydropower and ocean energy are sustainable as they are stable and available in plenty.
unsustainable use: Most non-renewable energy sources are fossil fuels: coal, petroleum, and natural gas and
Plants, algae, and plankton grew in these ancient wetlands.

hope this helps :)