
Rank the achievements from 1 (most significant) to 6 (least significant): Aztec Chinampas · Aztec Causeways · Incan Suspension Bridges · Incan Terraces · Mayan Calendar · Mayan Step-Pyramids

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The order of significance for the achievements is:

Mayan Calendar

Aztec Chinampas

Incan Terraces

Incan Suspension Bridges

Aztec Causeways

Mayan Step-Pyramids


The reason behind this order is the influence on the development of each culture. First, the Mayan calendar required high mathematical thinking as the pyramids. But the Mayan calendar had so much impact on their culture, lifestyle, and the development of their culture that it impacted them from religion to farming. Also, the Aztec chinampas as the Incan terraces allowed these cultures to develop and achieve their greatness because they satisfied a basic need. Unlike the bridges, causeways, and step-pyramids, that might have a visual, and architectonical impact but were not necessary to the cultural development.