In 2-3 sentences, explain how Thomas Paine's tone and persuasive language in The American Crisis convinced his audience to support the revolutionary cause.

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Paine uses simple, persuasive and rhetorical style of writing.


  • Thomas Paine's tone and persuasive language in "The American Crisis" is written in simple yet rhetorical language so that the common readers would understand his message and call for the revolution.
  • His style of writing "The American Crisis" engages the readers and the people to support the cause of the revolution with unity and passion. Paine aims to appeal the public by using literary devices which would invoke nationalism and integration in the hearts of the people.


Thomas Paine, the author of Common Sense, also wrote the American Crisis. In his writing, the use of tone is vital in the persuasion of the audience. The tone he uses is intended to call the colonists to help with the revolution against Great Britain, or King George III. He uses a simple yet persuasive style of writing that enables all readers to understand what Paine's goal is in writing this pamphlet. Thomas also uses a rhetorical style of writing so that it calls for a response from the audience. "...or those that are in it, and to "bind me in all cases whatsoever" to his absolute will, am I to suffer it? What signifies it to me, whether he who does it is a king or a common man; my countryman or not my countryman; whether it be done by an individual villain, or an army of them?" The use of simple words and terms allows the common people to understand Paine's writing and his call for a revolution. He uses words such as we or us, words that convey a sense of unity so that everyone feels a part of this revolution. He makes use of passion and emotion by using words that have that sort of tone. Thomas Paine's forward and forceful attitude his writing, American Crisis, are reasons why the tone of his work sounds very convincing.

I will be honest, I did use some ideas from the person who answered before me. But, I wrote in a paragraph format so it is written out. Hopefully it answers your question.