Put these Cold War Events in order

11. Margaret Thatcher becomes the 1st female prime minister of Great Britain

12. Deng Xiaoping takes over China and allows for some Free Market reforms

* 3. Mikhail Gorbachev starts policy of "Glasnost and Perestroika" (openness and restructuring)

14. Fall of the USSR

5. Mao Zedong takes over China and turns it communist

Respuesta :

Answer: Please see in explanation column

Explanation:  The cold war lasted from 1947 – 1991 and the some of the events that happened are in this order

--- Mao Zedong takes over China and turns it communist on  October 1st 1949

---Deng Xiaoping takes over China and allows for some Free Market reforms on December 18, 1978

---Margaret Thatcher becomes the 1st female prime minister of Great Britain on 4th of  May 1979.

---Mikhail Gorbachev starts policy of "Glasnost and Perestroika" (openness and restructuring)  In 1985,

----Fall of the USSR on 26 December 1991