can you guys pls help i'll give you 20 pts and brainliest and thanks if you can do this for me. the work is to put the first 30 chapters of a monster call into a 10 scene play. You can put some chapters together or miss some scenes out. For each scene tell me what's in the scene and why you included it.

Respuesta :


Well, Just like how Conor knew the truth that made the lies necessary. He needed to believe his mom would get better because it was too painful to know she was dying. So, Each scene talks about a Boy who see a monster that try to help in a weird way. Then, The scenes the monster makes its branches into a nest so Conor can crash there. He wakes up just in time to go to the hospital and hold his mother's hand while she dies. Which, ends just before she actually passes away, we know happens at 12:07.

Um, Hope This Helps!

Good Luck!~



Hello There. The scenes are is The Protagonist, CONOR O’MALLEY, is introduced waking up from a NIGHTMARE. He sneaks into Mum’s bedroom and goes to sleep with her. MUM is very far along with her cancer but neither of them lets it interfere with their very close relationship.

GRANDMA is introduced and she is very professional and “un-grandmotherly” which makes the relationship between her and Conor strained. She seems to struggle more with Mum’s illness than Conor appears to.

Mum is seen for the first time fully awake and out of bed. She tells Conor Grandma will be helping them for a few days then Conor denies they need help.

Conor walks to school and looks in an ART SHOP window and sees PENCILS he obviously wants. He avoids his friend, LILY.

Once at school, Conor is bullied by HARRY. Harry makes a comment about Mum and Lily tries to help but Conor still avoids and ignores her.

Class with MR. CLARK. The class is watching a boring childbirth documentary and Conor’s attention begins to drift. Mr. Clark starts to try to help Conor with coping but stops just short.

Conor returns home and helps Mum put together an old Super 8 projector and they start to watch an old black and white version of King Kong. Mum falls asleep but Conor watches until the end.

why i included the scenes? because it makes sences of the scene. and sorry i can't put the whole scenes to this....

Hope it helps! .ω.