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I thought his colicky baby would be the most stressful part of a trek with his wife from Waterloo, Canada to a lakeside cottage in Ontario—and he couldn't wait to break in his brand new Audi A4. But when the family arrived, things took a foreboding turn. As Ted later told The Loop, “My wife’s last words to me as I parked the car in what appeared to be a reasonable place were, 'Are you sure we should park this close to the lake?'" Later that night, the Hastings were awoken by a fellow vacationer, whose barking dog alerted him to a mysterious floating object in the lake: their brand new Audi. It was sailing by with its alarm blaring—not to mention a baby stroller, car seat, and Ted's golf clubs trapped inside. It took a crane, a tow truck and another trip to the Audi dealership to rectify the situation ... but we bet Ted will never forget to put that emergency brake on again.