Respuesta :

In the equation given below, H20 acts as the base while Mn 3+ acts as the acid. H + is released in the equation and there is a one-to-one ratio of any compound to any other compound. 

Mn3+(aq) + H2O(l) ⇌ MnOH2+ (aq) + H+(aq) 

The equation that shows Mn³⁺ acts as an acid is: [Mn(H₂0)]³⁺ + H₂0 – [MnOH(H₂0)₅]²⁺H₃0⁺

Acid can be defined in so many ways and its definition is based on different theories.

Further Explanation

However, Acid can be defined based on the following theories:

  • Lewis theory
  • Bronsted-Lowry theory
  • Arrhenius theory

Lewis theory: This theory was proposed by Gilbert N. Lewis in 1923. According to this theory, an acid can be defined as any substance that can accept a pair of electron to electron-rich species. Some of the Example of acid as defined by Lewis includes BF₃, SO₃

Bronsted-Lowry theory: This theory was proposed by Johannes Nicolaus Brønsted and Thomas Martin Lowry in 1923. Both chemists proposed that any compound that can donate a proton to another compound is an acid. They also suggests that a base is any compound that accepts a proton.

Arrhenius theory: This theory was introduced by Svante Arrhenius in 1887. According to this theory, an acid can be described as a substance that can dissolve in water to produce electrically charged atoms. Some Examples of Arrhenius acids include HNO₃, HBR, and H₂SO₄

However, some of the properties of acids include:

  • Acids are corrosive
  • Acids taste sour
  • Acids turn blue litmus paper red
  • Acid when react with base produce salt and water.

Therefore, the equation that shows Mn³⁺ acts as an acid is: [Mn(H₂0)]³⁺ + H₂0 – [MnOH(H₂0)₅]²⁺H₃0⁺


  • For Mn3+, write an equation that shows how the cation acts as an acid.
  • For NH4+, write an equation that shows how the cation acts as an acid


  • acids
  • properties of acids
  • Arrhenius theory
  • Lewis theory
  • Bronsted-Lowry theory

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