To start an avalanche on a mountain slope, an artillery shell is fired with an initial velocity of 290 m/s at 57.0° above the horizontal. It explodes on the mountainside 36.0 s after firing. What are the x and y coordinates of the shell where it explodes, relative to its firing point?

Respuesta :


xf = 5.68 × 10³ m  

yf = 8.57 × 10³ m  


given data

vi = 290 m/s

θ = 57.0°

t = 36.0 s


firsa we get here origin (0,0) to where the shell is launched

xi = 0                            yi = 0

xf = ?                            yf = ?

vxi =  vicosθ               vyi = visinθ  

ax = 0                          ay = −9.8 m/s

now we solve x motion: that is

xf = xi + vxi × t + 0.5 × ax × t²     ............1

simplfy it we get

xf = 0 + vicosθ × t + 0

put here value and we get

xf = 0 + (290 m/s) cos(57) (36.0 s)

xf = 5.68 × 10³ m  


now we solve for y motion: that is

yf = yi + vyi × t + 0.5 × ay × t ²     ............2

put here value and we get

yf = 0 + (290 m/s) × sin(57) × (36.0 s) + 0.5 × (−9.8 m/s2) × (36.0 s)  ²

yf = 8.57 × 10³ m