Prouder. Stronger, Better
After viewing the commercial, answer the following questions.
a) List two statements from the ad that are opinions.
b) List two statements from the ad that are facts
What strategies does this ad's creator use to motivate the public?

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"Prouder, Stronger, Better"

a) Two statements from the ad that are opinions:

  1. “Today more men and women will go to work than ever before in our country's history.”
  2. “This afternoon 6,500 young men and women will be married”

b) Two statements from the ad that are facts:

  1. “With interest rates at about half the record highs of 1980, …”
  2. “... with inflation at less than half of what it was just four years ago …”

c) Strategies the ad's creator uses to motivate the public:

  1. Videos of Americans going to work in the morning
  2. Videos of Americans buying and moving into new homes
  3. Videos of Americans wedding and being happy with one another
  4. Videos of Americans hoisting the flag and looking forward to a brighter future
  5. The narration was done in a calm, confident, and optimistic tone of voice.  These convey a sense of reality.


In 1984, Hal Riney, of the Hal Riney & Partners, wrote and narrated a political campaign television ad titled: "Prouder, Stronger, Better", referred to simply by the name "Morning in America."   It was as a part of the U.S. presidential campaign of Republican Party candidate Ronald Reagan.

The montage featured images of Americans going to work behind a calm and optimistic narration which suggested that the improvements to the U.S. economy was brought about by Reagan’s policies since winning the 1980 election.  In the ad, voters were asked why they would like to return to the pre-Reagan days, with an opening and repeated one liner, "It's morning again in America."

2. A fact is a statement that is true and objectively verifiable or proven.  A fact remains true and correct no matter what.  An opinion, on the other hand, is an assessment of some facts by someone.  When facts and principles support an opinion, it becomes an argument, i.e. a thesis.  An opinion, therefore, represents a statement of someone’s position in a matter.

A piece of real and absolutely observable or established information is a declaration that is factual and scientifically accessible or proven. No matter the outcome, a fact remains accurate and right.

An opinion, on the other hand, is someone's appraisal of a set of facts. When evidence and principles back up a claim, it's called a thesis. As a result, an opinion is a declaration of someone's viewpoint on a subject.

After analyzing the promo "Prouder, Stronger, Better," the following are the responses to the questions:

a) Two assertions from the advert that are declarations of personal belief:

"Today, more men and women will go to work than at any other era in the world of our country."

"6,500 young men and women will get married this afternoon."

b) Two factual claims from the advertisement:

"Interest rates are approximately half as high as they were in 1980,..."

"...inflation is now less than half of what it was four years ago..."

c) Public-motivation strategies employed by the ad's creator:

  • Americans heading to work in the morning Videos of Americans purchasing and settling into new homes
  • Marriage videos of Americans who are thrilled with one another.
  • Americans waving the flag and looking forward to a brighter future are seen on video.

The narrative was delivered in a calm, confident, and upbeat tone. These imply a real sense of meaning

To know more about the answers to the commercial Prouder. Stronger, Better, refer to the link below: