In this activity, you will answer questions about the Cherokee creation story "How the World Was Made," which was featured in the video.

A classic creation story tells how the world was made or humanity came into existence. However, a creation story doesn’t have to be limited to the origin of the world. For this exercise, write a short story two paragraphs to a page in length outlining the creation of something. It can outline the creation of a character, a world, or an idea, as long as it contains the elements of a specific type of creation story. Give the story a title and include the category of creation story in the title. Before you work on this question, review the story presented in the video as well as the creation story elements presented in this lesson.

After you have written the story, read through it, and look for ways to improve it, in addition to checking for spelling and grammatical errors. Try to refine the narration by using more precise words and phrases and adding details and imagery. Examine the structure of the story and try adding narrative techniques such as dialogue and reflection.

Respuesta :

Divine Twins

The Story of the Divine Twins of Politics

The American political system did not exist in the beginning. Instead, people simply disagreed when it came to decisions. They would fight and argue, but they would never be able to agree on anything. Moreover, the people who were stronger would always be able to impose their will.

This was going when a very intelligent woman gave birth to twins. The twins looked very different. As they grew older, they also acted differently. One of the twins liked spending time with strangers. He was kind and always shared toys. The other twin was very successful. He had a resilient spirit and a deep connection to his spiritual and religious side.

Eventually, as the two brothers grew up, they became very popular and admired among their people. However, they disagreed on everything. The townspeople began to identify themselves based on which brother they agreed with most often. This led to the development of two distinct groups of people. Even after the twins aged and died, this distinction remained. This is the origin of the Democratic and the Republican party.

*I am not really sure what you mean but I tried my best to answer the question

*please mark me brainliest!


World Creation

The Story of the Creation of the Second world

Long long ago, there used to be a very peaceful and great world. People roamed freely without any problems. But one day, pollution started. It slowly tore up and destructed the world and people suffered. This was horrible and there wasn't any hope for the only people that survived. Technology was advanced at the time and few people managed to escape in their aircraft searching for a new home. They saw a wonderful planet after much travel. The people were shocked and very happy.

People were peaceful and made themselves home on this planet just as they had in their other planet. They were very cautious and tried their best not to pollute, litter, or trash the beautiful area. But as time passed, pollution started to evolve again. People became addicted and reliant on technology. They always littered their only home. People tried to stop this. People on this planet learnt from mistakes, and went through many hardships. But in the end they stuck with it and reduced the effect of pollution. People even today are trying to save our splendid planet from pollution. Guess what it is? EARTH.