imagine that you and your companions have landed on another planet. write a descriptiv e composition describe how you got there, what you found there & why you would prefer to stay in the new world or why you would not.​

Respuesta :


Our mission was simple. Get in get out, things weren't meant to go so wrong. One minute everything was fine then the next all we see is a huge meteor flying at us. It completely knocked us off course and damaged are reservers. We couldn't contact mission control at all nor could we access anything at all. All are equipment went down leaving us to float in the dark abyss of the night. As we floated lost in space we all thought this was it, this is how we're all going to die. That was until we felt a huge jolt like we hit something once again. This must-have knocked just enough back into place for us to live because at that moment are oxygen and even electronics came back on lien though there was still no way to contact mission control or even tell where we were. Looking out the only window we had we could see something like nothing before. Out the window was a molten wasteland. there was rock black of the darkness surrounding us and lava flowing all over but what was really weird was that it was freezing here. Instead of being blazing hot as one would think its the exact opposite. We decided that since we were here we might as well explore before we try to find our way back to our homeworld. On our adventure to figure out just what this new world has to offer we see a dark shadow looming over us in the distance. Thinking its simple a trick of our eyes we push on towards the shadow as it steadily grows bigger and bigger. Once the shadow is closer we start to see a clearer image of it. It looks like a giant cloud-like mass which twitched every now and again. The only thing that could be clearly seen are its bright seemly glowing gold eyes that seemed to pierce through our souls. The color quickly drained from our faces as fear shook us to our core. We had no clue what this thing was but we all knew that it wasn't good news and we needed to get out of there as soon as possible. We ran as fast are our legs would let us not stopping even for our lungs screaming for air. As we were running I heard a thud. No one of our crewmates had tripped but it's too late to save them the shadowy mass has already gotten a grasp of them and in a matter of seconds they were gone, eaten by the monster. Running even faster for our lives depended on it we eventually made it back to the ship slamming the locks behind us. Without a second to think we start the rocket again and get out of there faster than anything before. Without even needing to say a word we all looked at each other and decided that we would never return to that hell hole of a planet if we wished to live.