
Write a narrative account analysing the conflict between the Plains Indians and the US government in the years 1876-90 (8 marks) You may use the following in your answer: • The Battle of the Little Bighorn (1876) • The Ghost Dance (1890) You must also use information of your own.

Respuesta :


The conflict between white and plain Indians refers to fatalities and quarrels between white settlers and indigenous Americans.


Because of a population increase and the addition of new states into its territories, the United States as a nation was steadily expanding westward by the 1800s. However, the land was already occupied by Plains Indians. The Plains Indians culture, language, and religion, was completely different from that of the white settlers. The conflict between the white settlers and native Indians thus became inevitable. The movement to Reservations and General Allotment (Dawes) Act of 1887 were some examples of how government policies of stick and carrot used against native Indians.