Identify the steps used in Algorithm 1 to find the maximum element in the following finite sequence 1, 8, 12, 9, 11, 2, 14, 5, 10, 4.

Algorithm 1 procedure max(a1, a2, . . . , an : integers) max :______

Respuesta :


max(1, 8, 12, 9, 11, 2, 14, 5, 10, 4) = 14

Step-by-step explanation:

Here is the algorithm to find the maximum element:

procedure max(a1, a2, . . . , an : integers)

max := a1

for i := 2 to n

if max < ai then max := ai

return max{max is the largest element}

Now lets see how this algorithm works with the given sequence. 1, 8, 12, 9, 11, 2, 14, 5, 10, 4.

  • The value of max is set to 1. So max = 1.
  • Now the for loop starts. The loop variable i which works as an index moves throughout the sequence i.e. from 2 to n. The value of n is 10 since the total number of elements in the sequence are 10.
  • The first iteration: i=2. Now the IF condition if max < ai inside this FOR loop checks if the value of max is less than the element at i-th position. As the current value of max=1 and the value at i=2 is 8 which means the second element of the sequence. So this condition evaluates to true as 1 < 8. So the IF part is executed which has a statement max := ai which means if the value of max is less than the element at i-th index then the value of max is set to that element. So max = 8.
  • The second iteration: at i = 3. Now the IF condition if max < ai checks if the value of max is less than the element at i-th position. As the current value of max= 8 and current value of i=3 means the third element of the sequence which is 12. So this condition evaluates to true as 8 < 12. So the IF part is executed which has a statement max := ai which means if the value of max is less than the element at i-th index then the value of max is set to that element. So max = 12.
  • The third iteration at i = 4. Now the IF condition if max < ai checks if the value of max is less than the element at i-th position. As the current value of max= 12 and current value of i=4 means the fourth element of the sequence which is 9. Now the IF condition evaluates to false because 12 > 9. Hence the value of max remains the same. So max = 12.
  • The fourth iteration at i = 5. Now the IF condition if max < ai checks if the value of max is less than the element at i-th position. As the current value of max= 12 and current value of i=5 means the fifth element of the sequence which is 11. Now the IF condition evaluates to false because 12 > 11. Hence the value of max remains the same. So max = 12.
  • The fifth iteration at i = 6. Now the IF condition if max < ai checks if the value of max is less than the element at i-th position. As the current value of max= 12 and current value of i=6 means the sixth element of the sequence which is 2. Now the IF condition evaluates to false because 1 2> 2. Hence the value of max remains the same. So max = 12.
  • The sixth iteration at i = 7. Now the IF condition if max < ai checks if the value of max is less than the element at i-th position. As the current value of max= 12 and current value of i=7 means the seventh element of the sequence which is 14. So this condition evaluates to true as 14 < 12. So the IF part is executed which has a statement max := ai which means if the value of max is less than the element at i-th index then the value of max is set to that element. So max = 14.
  • The seventh iteration at i = 8. Now the IF condition if max < ai checks if the value of max is less than the element at i-th position. As the current value of max= 14 and current value of i=8 means the eighth element of the sequence which is 5. Now the IF condition evaluates to false because 1 4> 5. Hence the value of max remains the same. So max = 14.
  • The eighth iteration at i = 9. Now the IF condition if max < ai checks if the value of max is less than the element at i-th position. As the current value of max= 14 and current value of i=9 means the ninth element of the sequence which is 10. Now the IF condition evaluates to false because 1 4> 10. Hence the value of max remains the same. So max = 14.
  • The ninth iteration at i = 10. Now the IF condition if max < ai checks if the value of max is less than the element at i-th position. As the current value of max= 14 and current value of i=10 means the tenth element of the sequence which is 4. Now the IF condition evaluates to false because 1 4> 4. Hence the value of max remains the same. So max = 14.
  • Now the loop ends as the value of i now becomes 11 because the loop is execute at i from 2 to n and value of n = 10. So the loop breaks and the next statement return max{max is the largest element} is executed which returns the current value of max. This means it returns the largest element in the sequence. Since the current value of max = 14. Hence max = 14 is the largest element.