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1. B2B refers to Business to Business transactions.

Here businesses engage in buying and selling transactions of goods and services amongst themselves. An example includes Wholesalers selling to Retail stores.

2. B2C refers to Business to Customer transactions.

This is when the business sells directly to the customer thereby cutting out the need for the Middlemen. It is the term that online retailers fall under as they sell directly to customers from their websites.

An example therefore is ordering from Amazon.

3. B2G refers to Business to Government transactions.

This includes the business transactions between the businesses and the Government be it Federal, State or Local level. Here businesses bid on the services that the government wants provided and the Government chooses the best alternative. An example is Boeing building B-52 Bombers for the US Armed Forces.

4. C2C refers to Customer to Customer transactions.

These transactions occur when people sell their goods and services directly to one another. This can happen when they post their wares online and other individuals buy it from there.

An example would be eBay where people post their goods and others buy it.