Based on your own life observations, identify one personal and one social consequence of unemployment in your country or society. What role, if any, do you believe the government should play to reduce negative consequences?

Respuesta :


One personal consequence of unemployment is a reduced self esteem which came with not been able to afford some basic needs.

One social consequence is the rise of financial crime in the society, because most unemployed people now resort to fraudulent means in order to survive.


Unemployment is the state in which able bodied labor force, willing to work, are not engaged. It can be as a result of not having sufficient jobs to go round, personal decision of the person not to work, downsizing of firms and companies, etc.

Unemployment almost always comes with negative consequences. In a personal experience with unemployment, I was not able to purchase some basic needs nor afford some services. The general effect was that my self esteem dropped, since I  now then had to avoid some particular lifestyle and places that was once my niche. I also had to avoid some friends, in order to prevent depression.

One negative social experience is that unemployed people can be desperate. Some will go through any means to survive, and they'll do things they normally would not do. One of such means is by creating schemes and ways to steal from people. By resorting to fraud, some unemployed people have been able to make a living at the detriment of their victims.